Friday, August 10, 2007


Last week we got a new kitty from the Animal Rescue League here in Boston. We named her Marzipan because her cream stripes are the color of marzipan, and because we have an affinity for the name that is probably the result of watching toons on ;) She was a tiny and starved for attention and food when we got her. Since then she has calmed down immensely and now seems to be at home with us and Chamomile now. Nick loves that she purrs all of the time - it reminds him of MacDuff!

Speaking of Nick - he has officially finished his first semester of grad school - today was his last final for the summer! ! ! !! Now we get three weeks of break time before it starts all over again.

Chamomile is getting along well with Marzipan - they play together all of the time, and they love to be in the same room even when they're just sleeping. Chamomile used to follow us around all day - now she has a tiny playmate to keep her entertained when we're in school.

Some people seem to think we should dress up Chamomile and Marzipan for a Christmas photo this year . . . but a part of me would just feel guilty if we did. ;)


Carly and Jason said...

Kitties + Christmas Photos = Good times

Carly and Jason said...

Also, WAY TO GO NICK on finishing your first semester of grad school! Woot woot!